Give youth a chance
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The chance for a better future

Our claim "Give youth a chance" is more than a simple statement for us - it is a goal we fill with life and which we feel committed to. And this goal is reflected in all our thoughts and actions.

The foundation offers ambitious and talented young people from economically precarious backgrounds new perspectives by providing them with a high-quality technical education. This is how they get the chance to lead their lives in a self-determined way and positively shape their future.


We demand and encourage personality

The foundation offers adolescents and young adults the necessary resources and access to a technical education in careers where qualified personnel are needed. In India, Costa Rica and Nicaragua, the Samuel Foundation provides education in its own centres with high quality standards and in close cooperation with authorities and companies.

Our training approach is holistic: technical skill training is supplemented by a set of general education subjects including a foreign language, as well as comprehensive personality training that makes our students fit for the modern working world.


Right on target: successful start in a job

At the end of their technical education, our students put their knowledge to the test during an apprenticeship period.

However, the foundation's concept does not end here. We actively place our graduates in qualified employment. And we succeed in almost all cases – last but not least thanks to the foundation's large cooperation network.

Our graduates leave our centres for technical education as motivated and self-confident people who have completely new perspectives for their future lives.

Perspectives Future Security Goals Perspectives Future Security Goals

What you need to know about us

Hedwig and Robert Samuel Foundation

The foundation

The Hedwig and Robert Samuel Foundation was established in 1932 by the merchant couple from Düsseldorf of the same name. It is a non-profit foundation under private law which focuses on supporting economically disadvantaged young people in the area of technical education.

Hedwig and Robert Samuel

The founders

Robert Samuel was born in Düsseldorf in 1871 as the son of a merchant family that had moved from Heidelberg to Düsseldorf in the mid-19th century and enjoyed success in the tobacco trading business. He followed in his father's footsteps and in 1900 moved his uncle's tobacco shop into the building on Königsallee 14 / Blumenstraße 3, which at the time belonged to the city of Düsseldorf. He later acquired the property and in 1911 had the office and commercial building named Hohenzollernhaus built on it.

The Board of Directors

The Board of Directors

According to the statutes, the Board of Directors is the only official body of the Samuel Foundation and thus the supreme supervisory board of its activities at the head office as well as in the international branches.

Our Principles

Our Principles

The thinking, strategic planning and concrete actions of the Hedwig and Robert Samuel Foundation are based on the following guiding principles.


Our team

These are your contact persons at our head office in Düsseldorf and in our branches in Costa Rica, India, and Nicaragua.



We are commited to transparency - learn more about our work, e.g. in our annual reports, which the foundation publishes regularly.


Jobs and career

Are you interested in a challenging job in a non-profit organisation within the educational sector?

History of the Foundation

Our history

June 3rd 1932 is the official birthday of the Hedwig and Robert Samuel Foundation. On this day, the Prussian State Ministry approved the establishment of the foundation on the basis of the submitted founding deed and foundation statutes, thereby completing the last necessary formal act.



06.06.2024 | Costa Rica

Successful project completion: Help for women affected by sexualised violence

In mid-May, our cooperation partner in San José, Fundación Rahab, celebrated the successful completion of vocational training courses as part of its ‘Rehabilitation and social reintegration for women affected by sexual exploitation and violence’ programme. In a festive graduation ceremony, the successful participants in one of the cookery, tailoring, cosmetics or digital skills courses on offer received their certificates. In combination with psycho-social services, the courses are designed to help the women build a new life after their traumatising experiences. Since July 2023, the Hedwig and Robert Samuel Foundation has supported this project to improve the infrastructure, in particular the modernisation of training rooms, workshops and computer systems at Fundación Rahab, and to run the above-mentioned vocational training courses. The graduation ceremony also marked the end of the time-limited cooperation project for our foundation. We are very pleased and grateful to have supported the important work of Fundación Rahab and to have contributed to giving affected women and their children better prospects for their lives. Fundación Rahab has been actively campaigning against human trafficking and all forms of violence and exploitation of women and girls for 25 years. The project was co-financed by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development's (BMZ) Small Projects Fund.