The Samuel Foundation has well-functioning networks in its project countries in Central America and Asia where we cooperate with private companies as well as aid organisations and state institutions.
ACHIEVE MORE WITH COOPERATION Sustainable networking in project countries

With companies
When implementing the technical education in our local centres, cooperation with companies plays a major role. This is because practical experience has the highest priority in all our technical education programmes. The companies that cooperate with us offer the students job-oriented apprenticeships at the end of their training period. And many companies take them on in permanent positions directly after they have successfully graduated.
In addition, many companies in our project countries support us with equipment and know-how for the training area as well as with financial means.
With organisations
Our foundation works together with co-financing aid organisations, for example, in the field of vocational training. Here we offer, among other opportunities, courses whose selection and design react flexibly to current economic developments in our project countries. We also cooperate with national authorities and international organisations - such as the German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Costa Rica for the programme area of environmental protection and environmental sustainability.
The foundation also receives support from other organisations in its project countries in the form of equipment and know-how for the training area.
Our principles are key to the success of the foundation’s work
All the foundation’s activities are guided by our vision, mission, and principles of action. These are respected at all times by us, the people we support and our cooperation partners. Because only the continuous implementation of these principles guarantees the success of the foundation’s work.
In our planning and actions we are always committed to transparency.
Would you like to learn more about us or do you have any questions? Feel free to contact us at any time.
All the foundation’s activities are guided by our vision, mission, and principles of action. These are respected at all times by us, the people we support and our cooperation partners. Because only the continuous implementation of these principles guarantees the success of the foundation’s work.
In our planning and actions we are always committed to transparency.
Would you like to learn more about us or do you have any questions? Feel free to contact us at any time.
Cooperation projects – opportunities for joining forces
The Samuel Foundation's objective is to support disadvantaged young people all over the world - primarily through the technical qualification in the foundation's own Centres for Technical Education. For many years, however, the foundation's commitment has also included cooperation projects at home and abroad.
To this end, we rely, among other resources, on co-financing by governmental and European institutions, such as the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), German foreign representations in the project countries and the European Union. We also invite other foundations and NGOs to contact us, join forces and discuss the opportunities for joint international projects.
The Samuel Foundation's objective is to support disadvantaged young people all over the world - primarily through the technical qualification in the foundation's own Centres for Technical Education. For many years, however, the foundation's commitment has also included cooperation projects at home and abroad.
To this end, we rely, among other resources, on co-financing by governmental and European institutions, such as the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), German foreign representations in the project countries and the European Union. We also invite other foundations and NGOs to contact us, join forces and discuss the opportunities for joint international projects.